Municipal Street Sweeping

 Mudd Doggs Sweeping is a member of the North American Power Sweeping Association, committed to excellence in the performance of municipal street sweeping services.   You can count on our Salt Lake City municipal street sweeping team to provide the highest level of professional service to your community.  Our team can clean hundreds of miles of streets per day.  No job is too big.

Municpal street sweeping not only helps to ensure that your city is in compliance with federal and state clean water regulations, it provides a number of benefits to your city’s residents.

Some of the benefits of city street sweeping include:

  • Enhanced appearance of the community, helping to increase property values
  • Minimizing the amount of dirt and dust blown up on windy days
  • Reduction in the likelihood of flooding from clogged storm drains and gutters
  • Removal of dangerous road debris such as wood, nails and glass

Mudd Doggs’ Salt Lake City area municipal street sweeping helps to elongate the lifetime of your roadways and surface streets by ensuring that the streets are always clean and well maintained.  If you are looking for a street sweeping provider you can trust, look no further than Mudd Doggs!  Fill out our Request Information form to find out more.  Our Salt Lake City municipal street sweeping team looks forward to working with you to improve the health of your city’s roadways.

Request Information

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